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Find The Right Balance For You

When it comes to managing diabetes, there are a few therapy options available for treatment.

Diet and exercise:

This is particularly useful for people with Type 2 diabetes, in which case you might be prescribed a diet and exercise regime. To help you further manage your glucose levels, you might also receive nutrition counselling from a diabetes educator or dietician.

Oral therapy:

If diet and exercise alone are not sufficient for managing the diabetes, oral medications may be prescribed by your healthcare professional.

Multiple Daily Injections (MDI)

If your diabetes has continued to progress, you may need to administer insulin to help regulate glucose levels.

There are several types of insulin injection therapies - with conventional therapy typically consisting of only background insulin or a mix of long and intermediate insulins. Multiple daily injections involves a long acting insulin injection followed by rapid acting insulin injections at meal times.

Find out how Guardian Connect can take the guess work out of MDI

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Disadvantages of MDI include:

  • Up to 8 injections daily
  • May require carbohydrate counting
  • Unable to decrease background (long acting)
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Advantages of MDI include:

  • Improved control over conventional injection therapy
  • Basal and Bolus rates can be separated

Sensor Augmented Pump Therapy

There are three main components to Sensor Augmented Therapy: a “smart” Insulin Pump, a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system and therapy management software. Using Sensor Augmented Therapy can alert you to dangerous high or low glucose levels, allowing you to take action and potentially prevent complications.

Learn more about your treatment options, managing your blood glucose levels and treatment options specific to Type 2 diabetes.


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